The meta description is a useful meta tag as, very simply, it explains to search engines and (sometimes) searchers themselves what your page is about. "> The meta description tag in HTML is the 160 character snippet used to summarize a web page’s content. Metadata is used by browsers (how to display content or reload page), Meta Description Test What is it? The meta description tag serves the function of advertising copy. You should include the following element in all your web pages: This gives the browser instructions on how They are like a pitch that convinces the user that the page is exactly what they’re looking for. A meta description (sometimes called a meta description attribute or tag) is an HTML element that describes and summarizes the contents of your page for the benefit of users and search engines. In other words, meta descriptions are there to generate click-throughs from search engines. Use this general rule of thumb to identify whether you should write your own meta description: If a page is targeting between one and three heavily searched terms or phrases, write your own meta description that targets those users performing search queries including those terms. Search engines sometimes use these snippets in search results to let visitors know what a page is about before they click on it. Meta tag description to wizytówka strony internetowej, dlatego warto dołożyć wszelkich starań, aby był on reprezentatywny. Crafting a readable, compelling description using important keywords can improve the click-through rate for a given webpage. Meta tag description, podobnie jak pozostałe meta tagi, jest fragmentem kodu HTML dostępnym w sekcji nagłówkowej, odpowiadającym za opis zawartości danej witryny www. A meta description tag is a snippet of HTML code in a web page header that summarizes the content that is on the web page. To maximize click-through rates on search engine result pages, it's important to note that Google and other search engines bold keywords in the description when they match search queries. HTML and CSS">, , W3Schools is optimized for learning and training. The meta description is usually placed after the title tag and before the meta keywords tag. Meta elements can be used to specify page description, keywords and any other metadata not provided through the other head elements and attributes. Metadata is data (information) about data. This bold text can draw the eyes of searchers, so you should match your descriptions to search terms as closely as possible. While meta data isn't as important for SEO rankings as it used to be, the meta description still plays a significant role in on-page SEO. The meta description summarizes your page's content and is the first thing users look at to decide whether or not they want to visit your page. Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but is machine parsable. Otherwise, you'll end up with SERP results that look like this: One way to combat duplicate meta descriptions is to implement a dynamic and programmatic way to create unique meta descriptions for automated pages. Search engines show it in search results when the meta description also includes the keywords being searched. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and learning. Sono una sorta di copione che dovrebbe riuscire a convincere l’utente che la pagina contiene esattamente quello che stanno cercando. Tag ten nie wpływa bezpośrednio na Twoje rankingi, lecz dobrze przemyślany przyciagnie uwagę Twoich uzytkowników. An all-in-one SEO toolset to boost your search engine rankings. Search engines use your description to determine the relevancy with cornerstone keywords. The tag defines metadata about an HTML document. and are typically used to specify character set, page description, Il meta tag description dovrebbe smuovere l’interesse dell’utente con un breve e rilevante sommario del contenuto di una pagina. If quotation marks are important in your meta description, you can use the HTML entity rather than double quotes to prevent truncation. For that reason, among others, it's important to put some effort into meta descriptions. This again can be used by various search engines while indexing your webpage for searching purpose. It varies with the device Don’t forget that keywords matching the users query will be matched in bold and therefore draw the eye’s attention to your result and increase your chances of click through. As Kristine Schachinger described in our previous guide to meta tags back in 2012, meta tags are allow you to tell search engines more about the content of your posts and pages How to Write Meta Descriptions in a Constantly Changing World. Description powinno być przekonujące i wartościowe, jedyne w swoim rodzaju. Without the meta description tag, social sharing sites may just use the first text they can find. The ultimate link analysis tool, complete with competitor insights. A page's meta description should intelligently (read: in a natural, active, non-spammy way) employ the keywords that page is targeting, but also create a compelling description that a searcher will want to click. No need to create metatags with the metatags generator if you use a CMS system. One caveat to intentionally omitting meta description tags:  Keep in mind that social sharing sites like Facebook commonly use a page's meta description tag as the description that appears when the page is shared on their sites. Meta descriptions can however impact a page's CTR (click-through-rate) on Google which can positively impact a page's ability to rank. Meta descriptions can be any length, but Google generally truncates snippets to ~155–160 characters. Your webpage's meta description is an HTML tag that is intended to provide a short and accurate summary of your page. Meta Descriptions to meta-tagi w tekście źródłowym strony internetowej. Search Terms. Meta Description vs Meta Keyword Metadata as a whole is a set of HTML tags that tell search engines and web crawlers what your site is about. A meta description is a meta tag placed in the HTML code that describes the content of a page. Discover and prioritize the best keywords for your site. A meta description is meta tag that acts as a 155-160 characters summary that describes the content of a web page. Any time quotation marks are used in the HTML of a meta description, Google cuts off that description at the quotation mark when it appears on a SERP. Describe metadata within an HTML document: The tag defines metadata about an To prevent this from happening, your best bet is to remove all non-alphanumeric characters from meta descriptions. Thẻ meta description này sẽ được xuất hiện bên dưới Tiêu đề trang (Title) khi người dùng nhập truy vấn của mình vào thanh công cụ tìm kiếm!. With the exception of google-site-verification, case is generally not important in meta tags. Meta tags are HTML tag content that provide metadata about your website such as description. The meta description is an HTML tag, which looks like this in the HTML code for the page: tag (See "Setting In deze zogenaamde snippets staat dus een heldere en relevante beschrijving van 1 pagina. Precisely when this will happen is unpredictable, but it often occurs when Google doesn't think the existing meta description adequately answers a user's query and identifies a snippet from the target page that better matches a searcher's query. The MozBar SEO toolbar shows you relevant metrics right in your browser, as you surf the web. (We’ll look at some examples of this later.) Broaden your SEO knowledge with resources for all skill levels. Brand message/strap line. We have just started working with A/B Rankings and are very happy with their platform so far. It draws readers to a website from the SERP, and thus is a very visible and important part of search marketing. The tag also supports the Global Attributes in HTML. Either way, use this insanely powerful 2019 SEO checklist” . Spot opportunity in target markets with local metrics and top SERP competitors. As the meta description is a meta tag, it is specified in the head section of an HTML document as follows: , Its purpose is simple: it needs to get someone searching with a search term on Google to click your link. Depending on the first text on your page, this might not create a good user experience for people encountering your content via social sharing. Local data management solution to help customers find your business online. 2. You can get a 14 day free trial to test it out here. Quick access to whitepapers, reports, guides, webinars, and case studies. Meta description tags, while not tied to search engine rankings, are extremely important in gaining user click-through from SERPs. Really, what sells you…