First, the Buttplug is glitched or the text is wrong. Some of the updates have been implemented into the guide, but others are just my experiments that give you some alternatives or some comments on glitches, so be sure to check them before testing stuff. Queen’s Call/King’s Call. Blitz: We dont use Blitz like youd expect. Unleash The Dragon: This is the best melee artifact by far and one of the best artifacts in the game imo. It doesn't deal as much DPS as my corrosive Lyuda, but it handles and reloads faster. The range buff also gives increased melee attack speed and can be procced off of Phasegrasping nothing. Brainstormer: Basically the gun does aoe shock damage. Ultimate elemental build Amara build by Sedero updated 1 year ago 50%. Borderlands 3 skill tree details are subject to change. Something to note is that to get max stacks, you usually need to apply 2 elements. If youre wondering about changing your action skill element according to the situation, I have a couple comments on that. It has a limited range, but it's EXTREMELY easy to get consistent crits while running around without ADS because it's a laser. Katagawa ball) then I switch to shock element Butcher or Crossroad, depending on whether I'm using a more Shotgun or SMG focused build. Fist Over Matter with Allure, Downfall with Allure, Phaseslam with no augment, or Ties That Bind with Glamour. A skill focused on survivability, Sustainment will apply Life Steal to Amara, giving her health equivalent to a percentage of the elemental damage she is making. Conference Call, Butcher, Roisen's Thorns or any elemental splash damage for Mindfulness, Tsunami, Brainstorm, Call weapons, Crossroad (ideally cryo or shock), Hellwalker, Flakker, and Lyuda in backpack. Rough Rider isnt bad. Shocking AAA (Pistol) - This is (imo) the best shield stripping weapon in the game. This basically means it does flat damage. Really liking amaras elemental build but don’t know what weapons to run. 35% shared damage is already crazy. With each of her three skill trees you can push for different things: Mystical Assault focuses on maintaining consistent high damage throughout a fight. Second of all, if you keep taking damage, or even apply status effects on yourself (more on that later), then your shields will stay down. Catharsis: This could be good, but Im not sure if it can proc status effects. Also jab cross should increase the link damage correct? The build mixes elemental damage with ricochet effects in order to rapidly spread elemental damage and DoTs to massacre large groups of enemies. It is slightly worse in combat though so its really down to preference. After the nerfs to other gear, Im using this a little more. It benefits from roid damage as well. Ive been messing around with lots of Amara builds based on the Brawl tree and I think Ive found my favorite. And we don’t skill Sustainment for a couple reasons. Allure makes enemies harder to hit lots of the time, so I dont really like it. This is a phenomenal write up, going to give this a shot. The burn does damage based off of whatever procced it. Soul Sap is nice but we dont use the Mystical Assault tree. Rough Rider with Roid can work too, but its a lot worse. We breakdown her categori... Borderlands 3 Amara build! By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Crossroad: Great dps and good for fighting bosses or chipping away at enemies while health regens. It has been brought to my attention that Glamour currently turns enemies into friendly units and you cant damage them. Id love to use the class mod that makes phasegrasp give rush stacks that reduce cd or apply my action skill element in an aoe, but they dont give anything in Find Your Center. (TVHM M3) build for Amara. You get it from the Sellout mission in Eden 6. This class mod also gives up to 29% DR depending on how close you are to enemies. Overview. The (Ele)Mentalist. This also switches your melee to your action skill element before you have Illuminated Fist. Incomplete. TL;DR: In the FotE Tree, you need maxed Anima, Tempest, Wildfire, Illuminated Fist, Deep Well, and Indiscriminate, as well as 2 points in Conflux. The Linoge is a World Drop. Cutsman: One of the highest damage elemental guns in the game. Thanks for this! I finally hit 50 with my first Borderlands 3 character, Amara, but it was clear I had broken the game with her well before that.. It lets me run almost as fast as some vehicles without boost. I think the insane damage comes from some buggy interactions regarding Amara's action skill and stacking skills, but I am not sure. Hellwalker: The highest single shot damage of any shotgun Ive seen. Damn good job, dude. Arms Deal: I messed with this skill a bit and its actually pretty nice since CoV use explosives a lot. Phasegrasp cancels the immunity phase of an Anointed enemy. Mindfulness: This is probably the most controversial one. Borderlands 3 Amara build! Im also experimenting with not getting any points in Indiscriminate or Conflux, and using those extra points in the Brawl Tree for more in Arms Deal and Root To Rise (I split the points evenly). Anyway, thanks for reading if you read the whole thing, and thanks for upvoting if you upvoted, and have a great day/night/afternoon. Great guide. World Drop(??? 5/5 - Tempest - +20 to shock dmg, +30% elemental dmg. Lastly, Ive uploaded a gameplay showcase of the build. This is the core tree of your build, because you’re trying to get all the way down to the final ability to cast your action skill twice in a row. This Skill Tree is only available to owners of Borderlands 3: Designer’s Cut. Detailed Builds and Guides for Amara (Siren) in Borderlands 3. Still good. After the nerf theyre mainly good for applying status effects. Tempest increases her overall elemental damage, especially for her Shock damage. If we get in someone's face, shotgun followup is easy. I am currently using two of these, one for Shock, and one for Corrosive. Gonna give this build a go as I was pretty satisfied with my build earlier until I went into the Slaughter Shaft and realized I need a build that isn't just tanky but also does much, much more damage while still being elemental and melee at the same time. 0%. This is ridiculous. Cryo is my personal favorite because frozen enemies take more melee damage and slowed enemies are easier to deal with. If you’re looking to melee your way through enemies, look no further than Builds that use the Phaseslam Action Skill. So the lifesteal we get is pretty small. I miss more shots with the cutsman than any other weapon. Just use it and youll get why. 5 points may not be necessary if you take interest in something else within the FotE tree. I can swap to and from Breath much faster to kill mixed health enemies (ones with shields AND armor). The damage reduction is really nice. For those of you that are having difficulty with the Face Puncher and feeling like it doesnt do enough damage, somebody did some math on it. +High elemental damage. Fist of the Elements Tree: 5/5 - Anima - +40% action skill status effect dmg, +20% status effect dmg, +100% status effect duration. How you get shock it only lets me get fire and corrosive, I too use lucians call but mine is fire. I think the issue might be that theyre having trouble coding enemies to attack each other and maybe they could only have an enemy unit attack a unit that isn't on their side, so they had to change their affilitation to have them attack. More on that later. Overview. We occasionally switch to shock to take advantage of the bonus damage. If you have Phaseslam annointments, then it might be a good idea to invest 5 points into the Mystical Assault tree so you can get Soul Sap and at least use it as a heal. Do Unto Others: I see lots of ppl skipping it and I have nooooooo idea why. Elemental Phasegrasp Amara Amara build by aokua100 updated 1 year ago This build is currently private and will be available as soon as the build creator marks it as public. This showed me a much more detailed look into the mechanics of Amara's abilities. World Drop otherwise/for a better version. Thats part of why I use Ties That Bind. I havent messed with Mystical Assault much but I hear and have seen that it kills bosses super quick and is great for mobbing. So any suggestions is appreciated. Most of them are self explanatory but Ill give a brief description for each. My fingers hurt. As it travels, the projectile gets bigger, so its great for bosses and mobs alike. Melee builds still use the actual hp on the shield, the just want it to be down before they start needing the extra damage. Blitz: We dont use Blitz like youd expect. Phaseslam with no augment: If you have annointed gear with Phaseslam, then this might be your best choice. Amara has a few distinct playstyles available to her but whichever way you decide to take her, she’s effective at dealing out Elemental damage, what with being Borderlands 3’s Siren. I mentioned it in the long version but not in the TL;DR. And the Samsara buff is really good, it increases your attack speed and range, so when Blitz is down you still lunge a little. It also helps with bosses. Elemental ones can work, but these are used more for burst damage and not DoT. Create new build ... Phasezerker Elemental Amara (for Endgame MH3) Amara build by weeee updated 1 year ago 89%. Returning Characters TL;DR: Face-Puncher is essential and the primary weapon. Indiscriminate: Yet another ability that plays into aoe damage and Ties That Bind. Borderlands 3. If you’re playing Borderlands 3 as Amara and you’re getting toward the end of the game, you’re going to want to know the best possible, most OP, ridiculous Borderlands 3 Amara build you can achieve. Second, Soul Sap works with Ties That Bind. First of all, its for the movement speed. Drops from Katagawa Ball. Cutsman takes some getting used to but it’s pretty strong. The issue is that the menu lag makes it hard to do in coop. This build made slaughterstar 3000 feel like the first mission all over again. We use it for lifesteal if we need to man up on a boss with Face-Puncher and melee. You name it! It does more melee damage than any of the 120% melee weapons, even tho it says it does 110%. Especially if theyre mixing the elemental character with the melee character. The extra splash damage is decent but if you really want a splash damage build then just play Moze. And if the element of the gun matches your action skill, then theres a whole other problem. Anima Cookies help us deliver our Services. Overview. I have a video of my build here. With an Amara build, as with the other Borderlands 3 characters, there’s a lot of scope for customisation. If we get in someone's face, shotgun followup is easy. Its one of the best value points in all of Amara's trees. It's fucking ridiculous. VOTES : 0. Just shoot it at your feet until you get a status effect. I played Krieg more than Zero and probably wouldve played Athena more than Krieg if she wasnt in TPS. Damaging myself in advance with an elemental gun also seems a little less necessary now that Ive messed with more guns, hence why I dont have it in my primary set of gear atm. This is guide to Amara (skill, power, weakness, weapons). World Drop, but may drop from Gigamind. Cryo sucks. I added information on it to the gear section. Flakker: This gun got nerfed recently, but its not terrible. Gearbox. World Drop, got mine from Traunt. I still use the MIRV Hex depending on the situation. Unfortunately, the class mods that have best red text for the Brawl Tree dont give anything from other trees. Third of all, having shields up at the start of a fight isnt the worst thing ever. Login to rate this build! Elemental effect that are doing very low damage. We obviously use a roid shield, so why would we want faster shield regen? All posts with video links in them must have the tag [VID] in the title. The idea behind this build is to maximize mobbing potential of the Brawl Tree and the early FotE Tree while also using the boss killing potential of the FotE Tree. And it does damage to everyone already from Ties That Bind. First of all, we need to talk about what we dont get. Anima: More status effect duration and damage is nice, and we get bonus damage for our action skill element, which is a large part of why we use fire. Brawler Ward for shield. Elemental melee is nice. Just shoot one enemy and theyll all go crazy on each other. This also makes it easier to strip shields with shock guns. In the Brawl Tree, you max Personal Space, Clarity, Helping Hand(s), Find Your Center, Mindfulness, One With Nature, Do Unto Others, and Guardian Angel. The Butcher got nerfed recently but it was pretty small so its still good. I have been looking to see if theres a crack of sorts in the procedural generation that would allow me to get 50% melee damage with the Breaker class mod, so if I find that Ill be sure to update the guide. Gearbox. Literally everything we need, only thing that I could ask for is an elemental nova. The buffs to the Linoge are starting to make it a legitimate primary weapon for elemental damage, so Im using that as a melee weapon more often. For action skill choice, why don't you just use Phasegrasp and aim it to the ground? The Buttplug is acquired from the Dump on Dumptruck mission by doing the optional objective. Both are World Drops. Id even say its worth getting for any Amara build, the dps increase is really point-efficient. Im currently running 2 Cutstmen in my build, 1 for shock and 1 for corrosive, with either a Linoge, Buttplug, or Pointy Psycho Stabber and the Face-Puncher. I prefer Root To Rise because it improves Clarity and we aren't gonna use Samsara much. So that 30k Blitz melee you just did? This is before even considering the backstab damage. Im a little disappointed with how class mods work point-wise in this game but thats a conversation for another time. Conflux: Conflux is insane. So if you have guns for specific health types (hint: we do in this build), then this will actively hurt you. Mine also gives 24% magazine size, 20% reload speed, and 20% cryo resistance which are all amazing. Fracture at least leaves behind an elemental puddle but the application is a little limited. Borderlands 3 Amara Builds. Knife Drain and Hex in backpack. Gearbox. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. great guide, good read. Also, if youre on PS4, I can mail you a Brawler Ward. If you have the Tacular version, it splits into 6 grenades, and if you have the Recurring version, it splits into 2 grenades that both split into 3 more. Idk if its just that they take 35% of the damage the main target takes or if its reduced by armor or shields and shit. Tsunami: The gun switches elements and ricochets on its own. Drops from El Dragon in Jakob's Estate at the waterfall. It gives your melee, ground slam, and slide a 100% chance to ignite enemies. Borderlands 3: Best Builds for Amara the Siren. Wildfire: Unleash The Dragon's fire spreads to other enemies. Revelation isnt bad cuz the Nova actually spawns on the target being grasped, but the damage is kinda low. The place for everything Borderlands 3! Knife Drain: Its a purple that can drop from anywhere. As an alternative, Ive been using Allure. The obvious one is we miss out on Conflux. I tested both and it looks like the deep dive does less impact damage, but possibly more dot damage. You can almost keep up with vehicles with max Mindfulness and you can go straight for backlines or NOGs with all the movement speed. It doesn't scratch my itch for that 1shot melee, but eh. Of Hexes you can go crazy fast and dodge bullets and explosives, why. Clicking I agree, you usually need to spec into wildfire on Amara alone so I think I almost! By weeee updated 1 year ago 50 % am currently using two of these, one for corrosive of 's. Pre-Sequels, and Amara Cross: I messed with this ability and reduce the damage kinda. ) build for Amara the Siren in Borderlands 3: best builds for Amara the Siren is a lot mainly! At close to mid range kinda low and ricochets on its own if get! Any points in all of Amara 's abilities also be used on nothing to proc elemental effects for couple. 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