One of the things you’ll notice about your new Pug puppy or adult dog is that they can be stubborn. When you get a Pug puppy it is a good idea to start thinking about neutering. This can range from a skin condition such as fleas or ticks to a more serious problem like hip dysplaisia. According to experts, growling is usually a form of communication. Pug behavior can also be occasionally confusing and lead to trouble. That being said, pugs are clever and highly motivated by food, which should make pug training relatively easy. So you’ll definitely need to learn how to teach your puppy not to bite as soon as possible. A Pug is a has a docile temperament, but there are times when they may growl at you such as when they are eating or playing with their favorite toy. To deal with it, start feeding your Pug all of his food and treats from his bowl – no exceptions. These are undeniably lovable dogs, bred for centuries for their wonderful dispositions. Instant and unlimited help Our personalized learning platform enables you to instantly find the exact walkthrough to your specific type of question. WHAT IS PUG BEHAVIOR LIKE? Every future pug owner should be aware of these problems in order to have realistic expectations. 7 Choices for Successful Pug Housetraining, Responsible Ownership - Training Your Pug, Advice / experience needed! "Puggle" Pug/Beagle mixed dog breed information including pictures, training, behavior, and care of Puggles. Black Pug Site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Posted by Colleen Hart in Behavior Problems, Owning a Pug, Pug Care | 4 comments. As your Pug becomes older, they can start showing signs and symptoms of issues. All dogs chew on things and the Pug is no exception. If you haven’t trained them or they don’t feel your authority, they can be disobedient. Check out this article to get an in-depth to get an understanding of the pug behavioral problems. A lot of the Pug’s digestive problems link back to them eating the wrong foods, including table scraps, foreign objects, and even garbage. Pugs are a big dog in a small dog body, which means they can be a little too brave when they run up to hump a German Shepherd at the dog park. A simple word such as no is very powerful when it comes to correcting Pug problem behaviors because your pets want nothing more than to make you happy. The dog can become excited and accidentally nip them while playing. Check out my advice for dealing with behavior problems and training your Pug puppy or adult dog: Dog Training – What Works, and What Doesn't Some dog training methods are based on what makes the owner feel good, rather than what on actually makes sense to the dog. Eye Problems. Pugs are adorable but they can.. Jul 26, 2019 - Here is a list of Pug behavior problems you need to know about before deciding if it's the right pet for you. Eventually, they will realize that they get rewarded when they are not whining. Pugs don’t have big teeth like big dogs, however, you dogs tend to bite when they are put in stressful situations. Other pug health problems they may suffer are skin issues and dog encephalitis. If your dog is struggling with anxiety issues, it’s important to put your dog on a regular routine. Black Pug site is a website where I share things about my black Pug, as well as the ultimate resource for caring, raising, and learning everything about the Pug dog, or information if you’re trying to decide if it’s the right breed for you. If your Pug has any of these problems, follow the recommendations provided to deal with them. They’ll be too tired to tear up things in your home. What many dog owners don’t realize is that it is not actually their dog that is the root of the problem – it is them. The pug is a breed of dog distinguished by a wrinkly, short-muzzled face and curled tail. These little bundles of joy will struggle with some of the same issues I’ve mentioned above, the biggest one is biting. From my personal experience of owning one, Mindy had a great personality. The pugs are adored all over the world, especially in Asian countries like India and Philippines and it has become extremely popular in the last decade, most especially in the US. The Pug is a robust little fellow and has an average life span of between 13 and 15 years. If you know what might be causing his annoying behavior, though, you might be able to do something about it. Pugs are also clever and highly motivated by food, which should make pug training relatively easy. Harsh methods of curbing bad behavior and aggression are never a good idea with these small dogs. Keep reading to learn about the most common behavioral problems in Pugs. As such, they suffer... Gassiness (flatulence). So their muzzle is likely to be less short, and their eyes might not stick out of their skulls so much. This issue is not as common if you’ve had your pet since they were a puppy. All puppies love to bite and let me tell you, it hurts! This will help calm them down so they know what to expect. I’m talking correctable behavior problems, not health problems. By taking the time to learn how to handle Pug problem behaviors, you will make sure that your home is a peaceful one. Pug dog aggression is a major human concern because at least 5 million people … The good news for a Puggle is that some of the Pug features that can lead to health problems are likely to be less severe than purebred Pugs. Please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. Pugs are stubborn dogs and if you let them, they will try to become an alpha dog. Some of the problems are more common in a Pug than other dogs. No one wants a yappy dog, at least I didn’t. 1. The Chug has a good temperament and is not particular prone to any severe behavior problems. You may not think anything about it, but growling is a form of aggression, that needs to be dealt with. Pug puppies have a lot of energy and are very curious. Pugs are a big dog in a small dog body, which means they can be a little too brave when they run up to hump a German Shepherd at the dog park. As is true for all dog breeds, however, the Pug does come with a few challenges. If your Pug is chewing on household objects, buy him an assortment of chew toys to chew on instead. If your pet is whining a lot whenever they are left alone, there’s a good chance that they are overly dependant on human companionship. I had a black pug for over 16 years. Playful as well as charming, having a happy character, this dog gets as well as everyone. Jul 26, 2019 - Here is a list of Pug behavior problems you need to know about before deciding if it's the right pet for you. One of the Pug’s most prominent features are the big, round, black eyes. The great thing is that you can teach your dog to stop barking so much or not bark at all. Chewing is a natural Pug behavior and it’s just a part of owning a pet. They have the wrinkles of their Pug parents and the longer muzzle, ears, and tail of a Beagle a look that draws comparisons to miniature Mastiffs. One of the biggest issues you’ll have with a pug is their stubborn temperament. Don’t give them any attention, until they stop. The most important thing is to make sure that you start training them and correct bad behavior as soon as you see it. Are Pugs territorial? Pugs are a unique breed, and with their genetic composition comes a specific set of Pug health problems. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the common problems that pet owners face, such as: The great thing is that not every Pug owner is going to struggle with these issues. With all that combined, it’s not surprising that pugs are deemed as naughty. The great thing is that you can learn how to discipline your pet, even if you’re a first-time pet owner. It can also be caused by hypersensitivity, food allergies, bacteria, and parasites. They do all of this with the help of their natural urges, urges that may not be ideal for everyone. According to Canine Journal, over 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every year, with over 800,000 of those needing medical attention. It is rare to find a person that a Pug will not climb right up on and lick their face. Pugs are … WE CAN SOLVE EM! Pugs are sociable dogs that love human companionship. Pug Behavior – Common Disobedience Problems. The health of your Pug is determined by a number of factors including his … The Pug might not look like much of an athlete, but she's curious and surprisingly strong. And reviews of the best online dog training course: The undercoat is short and dense, covered by a slightly longer topcoat. When not trained, your Pug can be messy and smelly. Do not get these companion breeds if you aren't able to spend most of the time with the dog. Every Pug is different and has its own personality. So their muzzle is likely to be less short, and their eyes might not stick out of their skulls so much. If your furbaby is jumping on people and you hate it, here’s an article with more tips. When she was a puppy, she was extremely stubborn and sometimes it was challenging to get her to do what I wanted her to do. Whichever method you choose, be consistent in praising and rewarding good behavior and give your Pug enough opportunities to do his business in the designated area that accidents simply don’t happen. Just remember, it takes patience and a lot of practice to get them to stop that excessive barking. As a pet owner, it’s your responsibility to make sure that your dog does not injure people. So, to help you decide whether this cute mini-dog is for you and your family, we’ve put together all the essential info you need to know. For the most part, the Pug is a friendly and low-maintenance breed. Whenever they whine, ignore their behavior and turn your back. The Pug is one of the ancient Chinese dog breeds. Pug behavior is often seen as silly because they are often quite lazy until they get a quick burst of energy, which is then often followed by a nap. If you rescue an older Pug, there’s a good chance that they have had many homes in their lifetime. Our proven video lessons ease you through problems quickly, and you get tonnes of friendly practice on questions that trip students up on tests and finals. Watch Video. Pug Problems | Solve your Pug related problems; health, behavior and obedience training. Dogs are fairly easy to train if you can stay persistent and train them properly. Start by training your dog to bark on cue with a command like “Speak” and then work with him to teach him how to stop barking on cue with a verbal command. Unfortunately, breeders deliberately breed these good-natured dogs to be deformed. All pugs come with two eyes, two ears, a little squishy nose and a curly little tail. The pug is a little dog with a big personality, so it is ideal for those who want a compact but active companion dog. You want to interrupt the problem behavior and reward an alternative behavior. Pugs are extremely friendly and uninhibited. Some owners just accept this behavior because they figure barking is a natural instinct. Most small-breed dogs tend to bark more than larger dogs, though this is not always the case. It is your job to know and understand the type of disobedience problems your Pug may have and their cause. Pug puppies have a lot of energy and are very curious. Col… The way you respond to your Pug’s behavior and your level of training will either reinforce or discourage problem behaviors like the ones listed above. It’s not uncommon to find Fido following you around the house and quickly becoming your shadow. Pug Aggression This behavior is not only upsetting and disruptive, but it is also dangerous. At times you may experience the growling issues if they are experiencing some type of pain. Please see our article, Separation Anxiety, for more information about this kind of behavior problem. Inspect your dog's coat carefully, looking for fleas—they often hang out around the base of the tail. Excessive self-licking and chewing can be caused by a medical issue (see “ Canine Allergies: Most Common Causes, Best Tests, Effective Treatments,” WDJ, April 2011). Pugs are very sensitive and need kindness and thoughtfulness. Post Time: 04-16-2018 at 10:41 AM, Forum: Pug Life Cognitive Dysfunction The best scenario for this breed is the Pug’s loving nature with the Beagle’s longer snout. Begging for Food. They can also be a bit stubborn and seem to have selective hearing. Should You Train Your Pug to Use Pee Pads? In all cases, you should ask veterinarians or … Provide the Pug or a Bulldog with a safe, chewable toy that the dog can play with while you are not around. Breed history has moved while this section is under construction. Separation Anxiety. If this happens, make sure that your dog understands this behavior is not acceptable. If you live in an urban area, you might want to consider indoor housetraining, though this approach comes with its own set of challenges. Pugs are faithful and loyal companions that can be a great companion. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a dog that doesn’t listen and does whatever they want. Pug Chihuahua Mix Temperament and Behavior. I’ve personally never heard of a story where  Pug bites child, but I’m sure it is possible. So, we started taking Mindy for long walks and made sure that she got plenty of exercise. Immediately after, give your Pug one of his chew toys then praise and reward him when he starts chewing on that instead. Post Time: 04-14-2018 at 09:14 PM, Forum: Pug Health and Care GOT PUG EAR PROBLEMS? Adding isolation to the problem of feeling panicked when left alone only compounds matters. Check out some of the best chew toys for Pugs that will help stop this destructive behavior. Pugs are generally a sturdy looking little dog, so it's surprising how frequently this breed suffers from hind quarter weakness. They can also be a bit stubborn and seem to have selective hearing. You have to let them know that you are in control and they have to listen to what you want them to do. Pug health issues vary from dog to dog based on their lineage and genetics, but there are a handful of common Pug health problems that are important to be mindful of when considering becoming a Pug owner.. Separation-Induced Barking. However, every pet owner needs to learn how to discipline their pet. Training: Pug puppies have a lot of energy and are very curious. These are undeniably lovable dogs, bred for centuries for their wonderful dispositions. Pugs absolutely love to eat and many of them develop a tendency to beg for food. Those Beagle genes are helping them out here . If you find an English Bulldog is a loyal and protective of children. Pugs love attention, at least ours did. As the offspring of two companion breeds, the chug enjoys time with her family and may follow them around the home. Dogs are bound to bark, but excessive dog barking can become an annoying problem. Barking is a form of communication and also a way to alert you of danger. Most Pugs are easy to get along with and you won’t really have to deal with territorial issues. “Separation anxiety is one of the most common canine behavior problems and is diagnosed in 20% to 40% of dogs referred to animal behavior practices in North America.” AVMA – American Veterinary Medical Association Pugs among the best breeds to battle depression! However, every dog has its own unique personality. ... His flat face also means the Pug has many different kinds of eye problems, so regular veterinary eye exams and staying alert for signs of vision problems or scratched corneas is simply part of good Pug ownership. Whenever Mindy started barking we would always tell her to “be quiet” in a regular tone without getting upset. Learn the power of consistent expectations and the biggest mistake a Pug owner can make. We hated this behavior problem because we realized that not everyone likes dogs. Pugs are unique in many ways. … It can also be a behavioral problem, a classic example of an obsessive/compulsive disorder. This leads to an increase in tears and pain. Post Time: 04-16-2018 at 09:24 PM. Who doesn’t love Pug puppies? Puggles are a cross breed of the Pug and Beagle. Post Time: 04-16-2018 at 01:48 PM, Forum: Pug Health and Care For some reason, small-breed dogs like the Pug tend to be a little more challenging to housetrain. The behavioral problems discussed above are not unique to the Pug breed – any dog can develop these problems. When you find him chewing on something he shouldn’t be, tell him “No” in a firm voice and take the object away. We realized that dogs usually jump when they are excited or have too much energy. Older pets will chew if they are bored or dealing with separation anxiety issues. Pug behavior can also be occasionally confusing and lead to trouble. Monitor your pug's itching behavior. However, there are several Pug behavior problems that you need to be aware of. In terms of the living environment, you should be aware of the climate you live in as the pug breed cannot experience extreme temperatures, especially heat and humidity. These little dogs were specifically bred to be companion pets, so they are social and people-oriented. Taking note of your dog's behavior gives you your first clue into the cause of the itch. Contact your veterinarian for any medical questions. Now there’s only one problem… It is has escaped from her bed… You’ll notice that the main thing you’ll need when training a pug is patience. Like both the pug and Chihuahua, the chug will have a lot of personality in a small body. Pugs are brachycephalic dogs (flat-faced) meaning, they are prone to health problems than other breeds are not. Pug Behavior: Destructive Chewing Posted by Colleen Hart in Behavior Problems, Owning a Pug, Pug Training | 3 comments If you had think of your Pugs favorite activities chewing would be somewhere in the top three – not too far from begging for food. Just remember, they didn’t bite the child with the intent to hurt. The benefits of this definitely outweigh the disadvantages. Learn the power of consistent expectations and the biggest mistake a Pug owner can make. All pugs come with two eyes, two ears, a little squishy nose and a curly little tail. We’ll take a look at the most common eye problems that affect pugs and explore a bit more about each problem in particular. And etc that need to learn how to discipline their pet using primitive dynamics you love your to! A happy character, this dog gets as well as charming, good-natured, energetic, their. Are other common behavior problems, follow the recommendations provided to deal with issues. 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