Our Services

Leveraging Multidisciplinarity in Providing Services that Encompass the Domains of – Consulting, Research, Capacity-Building and Implementation
Governments, the corporate world, the non-profit sector, multilateral and bilateral agencies operate in an environment that is characterized by increasing complexity and rising expectations from stakeholders. The multidisciplinary team at CMSR - with its proven track record – facilitate its clients better comprehend and respond to their challenges. Drawing on their experience and expertise, the team of professionals provide the clients with the insights and scenarios that enable them to effectively implement their programmes and projects, to have access to objective and actionable feedback, to redesign the ongoing interventions and to develop more effective and fool-proof initiatives.
Over the years, CMSR has carved out a niche for itself as Specialist Agency in disciplines Social development, Resettlement and Rehabilitation, Land Acquisition, Environment Management. 
Our consultancy services straddle a broad spectrum of custom studies tailored to the unique requirements and priorities of our clients. A unique blend of professional rigour, flexibility and dependability characterise our services that go beyond the confines of the project ToR. Broad types of consulting services in which CMSR has gained expertise over the years include:
  • Baseline surveys
  • Midline surveys
  • Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) 
  • Concurrent monitoring
  • Endline (end-of-project) impact evaluation
  • Social impact assessment (SIA)
  • Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
  • Socio-economic and health sample surveys
  • Preparation of environmental and social management plans and frameworks 
  • Preparation and implementation of resettlement and rehabilitation (R&R) plans
  • Preparation of CSR plans other compliance studies and processes
  • Research studies in social sciences and health
  • Longitudinal or panel studies
  • Gender assessment and mainstreaming
  • Needs assessment studies
  • Participatory planning, implementation and evaluation
  • Training and capacity-building in a range of current and emerging domains 
Our consultancy, research and implementation support covers a broad range of sectors and sub-sectors. Sector-wise services that we offer include:

INFRASTRUCTURE (Roads, Highways, Power, Railways and Irrigation)

Baselines and Social impact assessments (SIA)
Environmental impact assessments (EIA)
Preparation of environmental and social management frameworks 
Preparation and implementation of resettlement and rehabilitation (R&R) plans
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Plans
Beneficiary assessments
Monitoring and evaluation of social and environmental safeguards


Poverty analysis
Baseline poverty studies
Beneficiary assessment studies
Monitoring of welfare schemes
Social Protection
Evaluation of anti-poverty, rural employment and social sector schemes
Baseline and monitoring and evaluation of Tribal Welfare Schemes
Participatory planning and evaluation through PRA
Quality assessment of rural infrastructure schemes
Joint Forest Management


Slum Development and Improvement
Participation and Micro planning
Urban Transportation
Sewerage and Solid Waste Management
Drinking water and Sanitation
Community Infrastructure Planning
Parks, Lakes Management


Baseline and field surveys in Health and Family Welfare
Health Policy Analysis
Health Systems Planning
Health Care Financing
Health Insurance
Epidemiological Studies Communicable & Non-communicable Diseases
Reproductive and Child Health
Health Information Systems
Project Planning and Implementation
Supplies, Drugs and Logistics Management
Public Private Partnerships
Women and Child Development
Health Studies of the Poor and Disadvantaged
Occupational and Environmental Health


Social Accountability
Management Development
Government Process Reengineering 
Planning in Government
Administrative Reforms

CAPACITY-BUILDING (Modules designed for professionals as well as practitioners)

Resettlement and Rehabilitation
Social Impact Assessment 
Land Acquisition Processes
Survey Design and Impact Evaluation
Participatory Rural Appraisal
Data Analysis
Report Preparation


The various stages of a project cycle are mentioned below for which research and information inputs can be provided by CMSR.

Project Conceptualization Stage

  • Conceptualization and Project Development studies
  • Pre-project/Pilot and Perception studies
  • Feasibility studies
  • Mapping studies

Project Planning and Formulation Stage

  • Baseline/Benchmark/Perception studies
  • Impact Assessment studies (Socio-economic and Environmental)
  • Resettlement and Rehabilitation studies
  • Institutional Assessment studies
  • Capacity-building and Training
  • Communication and Participation / NGO and Social Capital 
  • Need-assessment studies
  • Strategy Development studies and Report Preparation

Project Implementation Stage

  • Performance Monitoring
  • Concurrent Evaluation
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Impact Evaluation